Prison camps have generally received less attention, overlooking the fact that they were products of those horrific battles. Most works relating to this southern Maryland prison camp rarely reach the depth of research and discussion of both prisoners and guards, which is presented to understand better what both prisoners and guards experienced. Previously published works generally depict the guards as cruel and inhuman, displaying little compassion for their charges. Such alleged treatment by the guard force was not always the case at Point Lookout. Post-war works reflect biased opinions based solely on the writings of prison survivors. Contemporary writers on the subject have accepted these memoirs, stories, and reflections as the final word without questioning their validity. The results presented challenge other researchers who have accepted what was written in the post-war years as the final word. Point Lookout Confederate Prisoner of War CampAsthenumberofprisonerssteadily increasedafterthebattleofGettysburg,it becameevidentthatthenumberofcurrent Unionprisonswasnotenoughtoholdthem all. Asnomajorprisonshadbeenopenedor facilitiesconvertedsincetheConfederate defeatsatFortHenryandFortDonaldsonin 1862,QuartermasterGeneraloftheU.S. Army,MontgomeryMeigs,ordered BrigadierGeneralDanielH.Rucker,Chief Quartermaster,toestablishaprisoncamp atPointLookout,Maryland,capableof incarcerating5,000prisonerswitharea enoughtoaddanadditional5,000 prisoners, or more, when needed.Point Lookout was established on August 1, 1863, and became the largest prisoner of war camp during the war. It was located at the extreme tip of St. Mary’s County on the long, low barren peninsula where the Potomac River joins the Chesapeake Bay. It had been a resort area with hotels, boarding houses, cottages, and commercial establishments prior to the Civil War.The site was leased to the federal government in June 1862, and quickly became a significant government installation. Even though the site was comparatively isolated, it could be easily protected. At the extreme end of the peninsula, near the lighthouse, a 1,400-bed hospital was constructed comprising sixteen buildings arranged in a circle. Hammond Hospital was supported by a large wharf to receive supplies and the wounded soldiers that arrived from battlefields. The hospital complex included a number of storehouses and stables; laundry and dining facilities; and additional quarters for officers, doctors, surgeons, and Union troops. The hospital became one of the largest and busiest medical facilities in the Union's service.A fifty-acre site located about a half mile northeast of the hospital was selected for the new prison. Work soon began by enclosing the area with a twelve-foot-high fence, with a catwalk constructed along the top of the fence for the guards. The prison was divided into two sections; one area of approximately thirty-eight acres for the enlisted men and the adjoining site designated for officers of approximately seven to eight acres. The inside of the prison was a barren, flat stretch comprised of a mixture of part sand and part clay. All of the prisoners were to be sheltered in tents instead of barracks. The camp was prone to coastal flooding as the peninsula is approximately two feet above sea level. The prison's official name was Camp Hoffman but was seldom referred to by this name. Before long, the prison became the most populated and largest prison, at one time holding over 20,000 prisoners.The first guard detail assigned to the camp was the 2ndand 12th New Hampshire Infantry Regiments. Other guard units assigned included the 4thRhode Island Volunteer Infantry, the 10th, 11thand 20thU.S. Veteran Reserve Corps Regiments, and the 139thOhio Infantry. On February 25,1864, the 36th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment, followed by the 4th United States Colored Troops and the 5th Massachusetts Colored Cavalry, would act as prison guards. These regiments would soon be followed by other U.S.C.T. units. United States Navy warships and gunboats, such as the U.S.S. Minnesota and the ironclad U.S.S. Roanoke, would patrol the waters on both sides of the peninsula.ThefirstcommandantwasBrig.Gen.GilmanMarston.HewasreplacedinDecember1863byBrig. Gen.EdwardW.Hinks,inApril1864byCol.AlonzoG.Draper,andinJulybyBrig.Gen.James Barnes.ThefirstprisonersarrivedinlateJulyandbytheendoftheyear,thepopulationwasmorethan9,000 prisoners. By mid-summer 1864, it was over 15,500 prisoners.The prisoner's tents were set up in ten parallel streets referred to as “divisions” that ran east to west within the prison. By late 1864, the divisional streets would increase to thirteen to accommodate the surplus population in the prison. LIFE & CONDITIONS:Allprisonerslivedintheovercrowdedtentsandshacks,withnobarrackstoprotectthemfromheat andcoastalstorms.Therewereseveraldifferentkindsoftentsthattheprisonersused.Eachrowof tentswerelabeledasadivisionandwouldhold1,000ormore prisoners.Themajorityofthedifferenttypeswere:A-tents(5men), Sibleytents(13-14men),Hospitaltents(15-18men),Walltents(3-8 men),Hospitalfly’s(10-13men),Wall-tentfly’s(3-8men),and Shelter tents (3 men).The eastern wall of the prison whose border ran along shoreline of the bay, was provided with gates that were opened to permit prisoners to bathe, wash clothes, fish and gather oysters. The many water sources available for drinking were usually contaminated. The wells that supplied the water for the camp were usually dug too shallow and contaminated easily. It would not be until the last months of the war that the federal government arranged delivery of fresh water by boat to both Hammond Hospital and the prison.There was never enough food or firewood; both were strictly rationed. Rats were a major source of protein for some inmates, and catching them became a favorite sport in the camp. Rations were supposed to consist of pork two out of three days, with beef on the third day. The rations were served twice a day, between the hours of 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. for breakfast and 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. for dinner. The bread wagons would deliver fresh bread generally after the midday ration.There were weekly inspections of the prisoners and prison camp, in which the prisoners would have their shelters inspected for contraband (illegal possessions). Flooding of the prison compound was frequent, often flooding their shelters and making living conditions practically unbearable.Because of the topography, drainage was poor, and the area was subject to extreme heat in the summer and cold in the winter. This exacerbated the problems created by inadequate food, sanitation, clothing, fuel, housing, and medical care. As a result, over 4,000 prisoners died during the twenty-three months the prison operated.Besideschronicdiarrhea,dysenteryandtyphoidfeverhadbecomeepidemicatthecampwhile smallpox,scurvy,andtheitchhad become quite common.Thelatrinesatthecampwere builtoutoverthebayontheeast sideofthecampforuseinthe daytime.Largeboxesandortubs were used at nighttime.Dailyactivitiesinthecamp consistedofreveillebetween dawnandsunriseandfollowedby rollcall.Afterbreakfast,the prisonerspassedtimebybusying themselveswithawidevarietyof occupations and pastimes.There were still 22,000 prisoners being held by the end of the war in April 1865.They were eventually released in a combination of alphabetical order. By June 30th, all prisoners held at Point Lookout had been released with the exception of those that were still bed ridden in the hospitals. Itisestimatedthatatotalof52,264prisoners,bothmilitaryandcivilian,wereheldprisonerthere. Althoughitwasdesignedfor10,000prisoners,duringmostofitsexistenceitheld12,600to20,000 inmates. Only 50 escapes were successful at the camp.
More Details About Point Lookout and “If It Were Not For Hope, How Could We Live In A Place Like This?”
Prisoner and artist John Omenhausser of Co. A, 59th Virginia Infantry documented his experiences while at Point Lookout Prison. He drew 65 watercolors and put them in a sketch book. Several libraries have this sketchbook including the New York Historical Society: You can view the sketchbook here:
Prisoner and artist John Omenhausser draws a scene on the beach where prisoners gather crabs and one prisoner shows another who has never seen a crab to smell his bug.
Agroupofprisonersstandinabuilding,withtheU.S.Flagdrapedacrossthe ceiling,eachwithhishandonaBible.AUnionofficerstandsatadaisadministering the oath of allegiance to the Union.