RobertE.CrickenbergerJr.hasresearchedandstudiedthetopicofCivilWarPoint Lookout for over forty years. His presentations on the occupation of Point Lookout are based on that extensive research he has accumulated in those years. Bob has utilized both Confederate and federal accounts to conduct tours of the historical locations, including the Confederate prison, federal occupation, and their auxiliary sites. He has written and assisted in designing many of the historical interpretive signs exhibited throughout Point Lookout State Park, as well as the park's tour book and museum.Bob’spersonalinterestandinvolvementinPointLookoutbeganinJanuary 1978afterdiscoveringthathisrelative,SergeantDanielD.Crickenberger, CompanyG,10thVirginia,hadbeenheldthereasaprisonerofwar.Danielwas oneofelevenCrickenberger’sofBob’sfamilywhofoughtfortheConfederacy. DanielwascapturedonMay12,1864,attheBattleofSpotsylvaniaCourthouse, Virginia,arrivingatPointLookoutonMay14thbywayofBellePlain,Virginia(a massiveholdingareaforcapturedConfederatesoldiersduringtheWar).He wouldremainatPointLookoutforthreemonthsafterwhichhewaslater transferredtotheprisoninElmira,NewYorkinlateJuly1864,remainingthere until his release in July 1865. BorninWashingtonD.C.,Bobhaslivedallofhislife inSouthernMaryland.He has been a husband, father, and grandfather for almost fifty years. Heisa veteranoftheUnited States Navy, having served during the Vietnam War era from 1971 to 1977. Shortly after leaving the service, Bob began his forty plus year sojourn as volunteer and living historian at Point Lookout State Park in 1978. He has continually served as President of the Friends of Point Lookout, and serves as Historic Weapons Safety Officer for the Maryland Park Service and has been awarded the title of Honorary Ranger for the Maryland Park Service for his dedication and organization of historical events. He has been instrumental in the reconstruction and restoration of both the Civil War fort (the only earthen fort that remains in the state of Maryland) and the Civil War prison site.Bob’sfamiliallineageintheUnitedStates,beganwithhisfirstancestor, JohannFrederickKruckebergwho,asaHessiansoldier,wascaptured onChristmasDay1776attheBattleofTrenton,NewJersey. Fortunately,heremainedintheUnitedStatessettlingintheShenandoah ValleyofVirginia.Sincethattime,Crickenberger’swouldserveduring theWarof1812,andtheCivilWarservingintheConfederateArmy. Bob’spaternalgrandfatherservedintheUnitedStatesArmyduring WorldWarI.Bob’sfatherservedintheUnitedStatesNavyduringWorld WarIIandintheUnitedStatesMarineCorps,duringtheKoreanand Vietnam wars. Mr. Crickenberger is available to conduct tours of Point Lookout or talk to your group about the prison camp and related topics regarding the Point. He can be reached at
Right: Bob portraying a Confederate Prisoner on sick call for the public within Point Lookout.Prison Camp.