Book Highlights on Point Lookout Prison Camp The prison at Point Lookout was actually 45 acres which makes it not only the largest prison in the north, but the largest prison overall. Present (2024) estimated total of deceased prisoners reveals nearly 4,100 deaths vs. 3,389 names listed on the Federal monument at Point Lookout - a difference of 702 names missing of deceased prisoners from the monument and a difference of 1,141 names of those decease unaccounted for from the official federal count. Newly discovered, prisoner hand-drawn map of the prison of Point Lookout from November 1863. During the early months of 1865, Confederate prisoners of war were issued clothing under a federally sanctioned clothing supply commission led by paroled Confederate Brigadier-General William N.R. Beall. There were two Masonic lodges constructed at Point Lookout by Union troops. On two occasions, prisoners who were Masons called on fellow federal Masons for relief and intervention. Major-General Lew Wallace, commanding officer of the VIII Army Corps headquartered in Baltimore, issued General Order No. 112 which established The Freedmen’s Bureau of the State (of Maryland). This version of the Freedmen’s Bureau officially took control of the four designated government farms in St. Mary’s County established by both General Edward Hinks and Colonel Alonzo Draper, during their tenures as commanding officers of Point lookout. Research has found that all three forts or redoubts that were part of the defenses at Point Lookout, had been misidentified. Until now, the present surviving fort of the three had been labeled “Fort #2” or “Fort Lincoln” when actually, according to Engineer’s reports, it is Fort #3. Fort #2/Fort Lincoln, which was located on the eastern side of the peninsula (the Chesapeake Bay shore), no longer exists being destroyed by erosion and storms. The Central or “Fort No. 1” was designated, “Fort Stanton”. This name had only recently been discovered by this author. Over 52,000 prisoners of war would pass through the gate of Point Lookout prison. This is the largest number of prisoners over all prisons. By April 1865, over 22,000 prisoners were being held at Point Lookout. Over 10,000 more inmates than was designated to imprison. During the month of June 1865, over 18,000 prisoner would be released. Almost one entire prison division was comprised of “cracker box houses”. Primarily prisoners from Maryland resided there earning the nickname of “Baltimore Street” by the prisoners. Several Black men were held at Point Lookout being captured with their owners, as blockade runners or assumed combatants.
Point Lookout Prison Camp   “If It Were Not For Hope,  How Could We Live In A Place Like This?”  The Civil War Prison Camp at Point Lookout, Maryland July 1863 – August 1865  New Book by Robert E. Crickenberger, Jr.
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